Sunday, February 26, 2006

Today we were lucky enough to have a visit by Lyly, an immigrant GL student from Ukraine. Lyly is a sophomore and has lived in Grand Ledge for a year and a half and speaks Russian, Ukrainian and English. She came to talk to us about Russian and Ukrainian culture and history. It was very cool for the students to have one of their peers talk to them about their nationality and their country.
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4rth hr students were intrigued and mezmerized by Lyly's lifestory. John, Phil, Gil and Roman asked many questions about the lifestyles of Ukrainian teenagers. Posted by Picasa
Russell and Brian dressed in traditional Russian Kosac costumes that Lyly brought. I am sure they are singing an old Kosac drinking song rembembering the days when the Czars ruled Russia. Aren't they so very precious and cute??? It is obvious that Brian has been working on that girlish figure! Posted by Picasa